Thursday, October 8, 2009


Hi..I'm Yanti..wif my hubby. Nothing and not much to say for the first writing ahaks...hehehe. Hope i'll create the best and interesting blog in future in mY WonDerLand. EnjoY the first edition of WonDerLand.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

MuHamMaD iLmaN SaDiQ bin iLLiAs

YanTi & HubbY,iLLiaS..setaHun da Kawen, Alhamdulillah di kUrniaKan PerMata Hati SeoRanG PuTeRA. NamAnYe aGak PanJang sKet yAkni Muhammad Ilman Sadiq bin Illias. Umo PutEra kaMi ne Baru Je maSUk 2bulan..BeraT 5Kg...masa lahirnye Berat 2.88kg. TaK dok La besO sanGat...biAsa-Biaso Je..ahakS.. MasA ni BaDan puteRa kaMi ni dAh staRt TemBam..mmG x PaSan tUl BaDan dia cEpAt saNgat BeriSi..tAu-Tau BaJu BanYak dAh YaNg x MuaT. MeMang seMakiN keNtaL la BaDan si ecem tembam neH..